Dr. Samuel Minaker Presents at ASRS

Our 2nd year fellow, Dr. Samuel Minaker (pictured with fellowship program director, Dr. Kourous Rezaei) had the privilege of being one of the few fellows to be a presenter at American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS)! He shared the data of the project that senior author, Dr. Mathew MacCumber and he worked on. The title of his talk was Surgical Outcomes of Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment in Patients 30 Years of Age or Younger at 3-Month, 1-Year, and 5-Year Follow-ups-the largest series to date with the longest follow up. These are patients that get retinal detachments rarely but with regularity and they showed excellent outcomes with scleral buckle and vitrectomy buckle. He additionally showed these patients are at high risk of retinal tears and detachments in the fellow eye and should be followed long term.
A job well done Dr. Minaker!