Dr. Hasan Hosts The ISEPS International Virtual Town Hall

Dr. Sohail J. Hasan MD, PhD (as President of the Illinois Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons) organized and hosted the first ever ISEPS International Virtual Town Hall on June 10, 2020. Featured speakers included Ngozi O. Ezike, MD (Director of the Illinois Department of Public Health). She gave an Illinois public health perspective and discussed the challenges of COVID-19. Dr. Tamara Fountain (President Elect of the American Academy of (Ophthalmology) discussed the national outlook on restoring ophthalmology in the US. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Tam, Director of the Community Development Fund in Quang Tri Province, Vietnam discussed Coronavirus in Vietnam and how eye care is adapting in a time of COVID-19. Finally, Dr. Hasan gave a report on the state of ophthalmologists and their respective practices in Illinois in the COVID-19 era. He also discussed some of the projects that ISEPS is working on to help restore eye health to our patients here in Illinois. The Town Hall was attended by a large number of ophthalmologists across Illinois and in neighboring states.